Joel Pollak
Lifestyle • News • Politics • Travel • Writing
I will share my thoughts about American politics, as well as current events in Israel and elsewhere, based on my experiences in the U.S., South Africa, and the Middle East. I will also discuss books and popular culture from the perspective of a somewhat libertarian, religiously observant conservative living in California. I will also share art and ideas that I find useful and helpful, and link to my content at Breitbart News, Amazon, and elsewhere.
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A note from the Tanya

The Tanya is a mystical religious text written by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Lubavitch Chabad movement, in the late 18th century. It is studied by Chabad rabbis and congregants today; I read one chapter per day. (At that pace, coordinated with the Jewish calendar, one finishes in a year.)

Today's chapter seemed particularly poignant to me, given world events. It likened the spirit with which one should approach prayer to the sense of joy that a king would feel upon seeing his son released and returned from captivity:

"Now, all one’s intent in the surrender of his soul to G-d through Torah and prayer to elevate the spark of G-dliness therein—in the soul—back to its source, should be solely for the purpose of causing Him gratification, like the joy of a king when his only son returns to him after having been released from captivity or imprisonment, as has been explained earlier." (Chapter 41)

The theme of captivity recurs throughout Jewish texts. Evidently Jews were often subject to kidnapping and hostage-taking throughout the centuries. It is tragic -- but reminds us that we can endure this latest episode, as well.

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Hamantaschen filling

It’s Purim time… time to get the sweet stuff baking.

This is for an apricot hamantaschen filling…

Sometimes, you just need batting practice
The rushing waterfalls after the rain

The rain stopped in L.A. this morning after several days. A few hours later, I decided to check out a local trail that is usually dry. I was amazed…

Breitbart News Sunday: show rundown (May 5, 2024)

We’re still seeing “encampments” around the country, and now we know why Biden’s not doing anything about them: they’re funded by his own donors. We’ll talk about the crisis and what it means.

The Trump trial is officially silly, with Hope Hicks providing testimony that exonerates Trump, but the media claiming orherwise, because they’re so invested in the outcome.

We’ll talk about everything else going on — congressional infighting, Cinco de Mayo, and even some little league baseball if we get a chance.

With guests:

Matthew Boyle - Breitbart News political editor
Frances Martel - Breitbart News foreign editor

And more!

Tune in: SiriusXM Patriot 125, 7-10 p.m. ET, 4-7 p.m. PT
Call in: 866-957-2874

Weekly Torah reading: Acharei (Leviticus 16:1 - 18:30)

I'm sorry to say... I think I made a mistake. Last week was a special Passover reading. This week is Acharei. Here's my entry from last Saturday...

Shabbat Shalom!

Recovering calm

It's been an up-and-down few days. I think the news cycle has finally hit me.

One thing I try to remind myself is that I might have some influence over how people understand debates, but I can't really change much. I can just observe.

And that chaos is baked into how this crazy world of ours seems to function.

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