Joel Pollak
Lifestyle • News • Politics • Travel • Writing
I will share my thoughts about American politics, as well as current events in Israel and elsewhere, based on my experiences in the U.S., South Africa, and the Middle East. I will also discuss books and popular culture from the perspective of a somewhat libertarian, religiously observant conservative living in California. I will also share art and ideas that I find useful and helpful, and link to my content at Breitbart News, Amazon, and elsewhere.
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Weekly Torah reading: Acharei (Leviticus 16:1 - 18:30)

I'm sorry to say... I think I made a mistake. Last week was a special Passover reading. This week is Acharei. Here's my entry from last Saturday...

Shabbat Shalom!

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Hamantaschen filling

It’s Purim time… time to get the sweet stuff baking.

This is for an apricot hamantaschen filling…

Sometimes, you just need batting practice
The rushing waterfalls after the rain

The rain stopped in L.A. this morning after several days. A few hours later, I decided to check out a local trail that is usually dry. I was amazed…

Weekly Torah reading: Emor (Leviticus 21:1 - 24:23)

This week's portion continues the explication of the role of the priests -- the theme of Leviticus. We learn about the appropriate physical state and even the sexual relations that priests can (or cannot) indulge in, as well as the criteria that sacrificial animals must meet in order to be considered for an offering.

We learn about the oil that is to burn in the menorah in the Temple, as well as the punishment for blasphemy. The infamous "eye for an eye" version of justice is in this portion -- but it means the value of an eye, not a physical eye. The point is that punishments must match the offense, neither more nor less.

'How Not to Be a Sh!thole Country' - on Audiobook soon

Today I completed the audiobook recording for my 2021 ebook, "How Not to Be a Sh!thole Country: Lessons from South Africa." It should be available in about a week or so -- just in time for the South African elections...

In the meantime, here's the ebook:

I saw Jordan Peterson for the first time last night

Jordan Peterson is a great writer and speaker. I had the opportunity to see him on his "We Who Wrestle with God" tour -- which is amazing in itself, in that it's a tour for a book that hasn't even come out yet (that's how popular he is).

It was interesting to see him thinking aloud on stage. He explained that the entire process of thought is very much like prayer, in that it involves leaps that can only be attributed to some kind of revelation, or supra-rational inspiration.

He went on to describe the nature of faith as a full commitment to the proper direction of one's life. I enjoyed the Biblical stories he wove through his remarks. His daughter also spoke -- and she is both wise and beautiful.

Very much worth seeing -- if you ever have the chance to do so.

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